Services for small businesses (Town of Savonlinna)
Savonlinna offers a versatile environment for entrepreneurs
There are 1,600 businesses operating in Savonlinna. The area’s purchasing power comes from its 50,000 inhabitants. We are surrounded by huge forest resources, as the flourishing timber industry goes to show.
Our location in the heart of the Lake Saimaa network of waterways is key to the unique character of the town and is the source of income for many of the town’s businesses. The airport is just 15 km away. Many of our businesses exploit the proximity of St Petersburg, and Russia is an important target market for the tourism industry. Negotiations to gain a border crossing point at Parikkala have been launched at a high level. Opening the border would bring unlimited opportunities for a development corridor running from Parikkala to Savonlinna and then on towards Jyväskylä.
The Workspace service run by the town of Savonlinna is charged with purchasing, building, maintaining and renting appropriate workspace for producers of the town’s services and start-ups.
Contact details
Juha Turtiainen, Corporate Services Director
Tel. +358 44 571 5853
Address: Olavinkatu 27, 57130 Savonlinna
E-mail: juha.turtiainen(at)
Read more: Savonlinna Business Services
NOHEVA: opening global markets to innovative pioneers
The Savonlinna Technology Park, NOHEVA, is a hub for expertise and skills in the future forest industry, bioeconomy and in environmental and energy technology, including ICT. By building the networks, we create a synergy that both strengthens the growth and competitiveness of service and technology providers, and boosts the development of new products and business areas.
The Technology Park offers skills-intensive organizations and excellent surroundings for product development: from start-up through the growth stage to globalization.
For further information, see our webpage