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Immigration services

The immigration services in the town of Savonlinna offer statutory services supporting integration. They also serve as an expert on affairs related to integration and immigration across various professional networks. The services are targeted at all residents of Savonlinna with immigration background, regardless of their reason for migration.

Navigaattori, an assistance and service centre for immigrants, provides help with all kinds of immigration-related matters and is located at Olavinkatu 40 A. The town’s Secretary of Immigration Services, Social Advisor, Service Coordinator and Office Secretary (who has an office at the town hall), as well as the person in charge of the international meeting place maintained by Linnala Setlementti, can all be found there.


In Navigaattori, we stand ready to advise and help you with all kinds of issues in your daily life that may be related to, for example:

  • Residence permits and travel documents
  • Family reunification
  • Applying for a citizenship
  • Filling out various applications or forms (e.g. KELA, TE-services)
  • Applying for a study place or a job
  • Health-related questions

Our services are confidential and free of charge. We speak Finnish, English and Russian. An interpreter can be called, if needed.

Collaboration partner

Our statutory work on integration includes sharing expertise with our collaboration partners, the town’s employees and other operators. We can provide information and guidance on questions related to integration and immigration. We can also organise on-demand training on various topics, such as:

  • Meeting customers with immigration background
  • Using interpreter services
  • Statutory work on integration

The statutory work on integration carried out by Savonlinna’s immigration services involves networking and collaboration with various operators. We are happy to assist and support you if you find yourself in need of our special expertise in integration-related matters.

Please feel free to contact us!

Contact information

Navigaattori, an assistance and service centre for immigrants

Olavinkatu 40 A, 2nd floor
57130 Savonlinna

Postal and invoicing address:
Town of Savonlinna/Immigration services/Service centre
Olavinkatu 27
57130 Savonlinna

The personnel of the city of Savonlinna:

Johanna Merivirta, Coordinator of Immigration Services

tel. +358 44 417 4141
email: johanna.merivirta@savonlinna.fi 

Iuliia Uimonen, Service Advisor

e-mail: iuliia.uimonen@savonlinna.fi 
tel. +358 50 479 3044

Tarja Loikkanen, Office Secretary

tel. +358 44 417 4144
email: tarja.loikkanen@savonlinna.fi 

The personnel of the South Savo welfare area:

Saila Vienola, Social Advisor

tel. +358 44 417 4143

e-mail: saila.vienola@etelasavonha.fi 

The personnel of the international meeting place of Linnala Settlement

Мarketta Parkkinen, Kansainvälisen kohtaamispaikan vastaava

tel. +358 40 680 3823 

e-mail: marketta.parkkinen@linnala.fi  

Social media: Facebook