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Savonlinna Municipal Library

Main Library ”Joeli”

Asemantie 5, 57100 Savonlinna
+358 44 417 4424
Mon-Thu 11-19, Fri 10-17, Sat 10-15
In the summer, the library is closed on Saturdays. On a weekday eve of a national holiday, the library is open 10-16.

Kerimäki Library

Kerimäentie 6, 58200 Kerimäki
+358 44 417 5121
Mon & Wed 12-18, Tue & Thu-Fri 10-16
Magazine Hall also Sat 10-14, Sun 12-16
On a weekday eve of a national holiday, the library is open 10-16.

Punkaharju Library

Tehtaantie 5, 58500 Punkaharju
+358 44 417 5473
Mon-Tue 12-18, Wed-Fri 10-16
On a weekday eve of a national holiday, the library is open 10-15. 

Savonranta Library

Kangastie 3, 58300 Savonranta
+358 44 417 4437
Mon & Wed 10-15, Tue 14-18, Thu 14-19
On a weekday eve of a national holiday, the library is open 10-15.

Mobile Library ”Käkriäinen”

+358 44 417 4433
Timetables available in libraries

Library Terms of Use

Library Fees

Borrowing, making reservations for items and using the material in the library is free of charge. However, there are fees and charges collected for overdue loans, reservations left unretrieved, replacement of lost library card, inter-library lending service, photocopies and printouts, and some further prices. Lost, damaged, or unreturned material must be compensated.

Possible fees and compensations must be paid fully always before the end of January of the following year. The maximum amount of unpaid fees and compensation is 10 €. After that, loaning is prohibited.

Library Card

You need a valid library card to borrow any materials from the library collections. The library card costs you nothing. You can get the card from the library by showing your photo identification card, and giving your home address. Children under 15 years of age must have written permission from their legal guardian or another guarantor of legal age.

If you lose your library card, you get a new one for a fee. Immediately inform the library of the loss, as the owner of the card is responsible for all of the material borrowed with their card. A library card is personal.

Always inform the library about the change of name, address, or email address. You can use the same library card in Savonlinna main library, mobile library and Kerimäki, Punkaharju and Savonranta libraries, and in all Lumme libraries.

Always keep your library card with you.

Loan Periods

General loan period 28 calendar days
New releases (less than 3 months old) 14 calendar days
Reserved material 14 calendar days
DVD/Blu-ray/video/CD-ROM recordings 14 calendar days
Short loans  7 calendar days
Interlibrary loans according to the rules of the sending library

Check the loans’ due date on your received receipt. The loan period expires on the due date, when the library is closed.

Loan period may be renewed up to five times if there are no reservations for the material.

A person can borrow up to 50 total items at any given time. Of those 50 items, there can be at most 20 CDs, 20 cassettes, 20 DVDs or Blu-ray Discs, 20 VHS-videocassettes, and 20 CD-ROMs.

Services of the Library

  • During the library’s opening hours the public spaces are open to all with no entrance fee
  • Terminals for public use except for the mobile library
  • Access to the Internet. Time limits are 15 minutes, 30 minutes or one hour. Free wireless network (WLAN) in the main library, Kerimäki and Punkaharju libraries
  • Photocopying machines except for the mobile library
  • Microfilm and microfiche reading equipment in the main library
  • Municipal information
  • Brochures on events, exhibitions and education
  • Information services free of charge
  • Information retrievals from Finnish online databases
  • Savonlinna municipal library is a part of the library network. If the material you need is not available it can be asked from other libraries. For interlibrary loans, there is a charge
  • The library users may make proposals for new acquisitions to the library collection
  • The personnel of the library gives you advice in the use of the collections and answers your questions

Web Library ”Lumme”

Via the web library lumme.finna.fi you can:

  • search for items in the library catalog
  • renew your loans (up to 5 times, unless a reservation has been placed on them)
  • make reservations for items
  • make proposals for new acquisitions
  • inform the library about the change of address or email address

Renewing, making reservations for items and proposals for new acquisitions, and informing the library about change of address via the web library requires a library card and a PIN associated with the library card, which can be obtained by visiting the library.

Materials in the Library

Fiction and non-fiction books
Simplified and large print books
Books in all fields of knowledge
Vocabularies, codes of law, encyclopedias, reference books
Picture books and fairytales
Comic books
Sheet music
Newspapers and Magazines
Finnish and foreign newspapers and magazines
Professional, hobby and scientific magazines
Magazines for children and youth
All kinds of music
Language courses
DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
Hobby and teaching programmes
Television series
Other Material
Board games
Disc golf discs
Maps and navigational charts
Microfilms and microfiches
Statistics and standards
Local collections
Local collections in the main library, Kerimäki and Punkaharju libraries. Books, newspapers, magazines and other material about Savonlinna. No home loans.