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Exhibitions and Events

The main exhibition, In the Heart of Lake Saimaa, at Riihisaari takes visitors through Lake Saimaa’s cultural history, the development of travel along the waterways, and local nature, obviously including the Saimaa Ringed Seal. Don’t miss our collection of dolls, either!

Our regular schedule of temporary exhibitions covers a range of themes, from historical photography to art. There’s plenty for children to see and do as well!

Summer 2024: We welcome you to our English-language guided tours, held every day at 3 pm, until August 23!

See from here an up-to-date list of exhibitions and events at Riihisaari. Some of the information and content may only be in Finnish.

Customer Service Riihisaari

Tel. 044 417 4466

Postal Address: Riihisaari, 57130 Savonlinna

Visiting Address: Riihisaari

Email Address: riihisaari@savonlinna.fi